Due to technical difficulties the reporting on this event is abbreviated.
We hope to be able to resume more complete reporting in subsequent events.
Seven Card Stud (Limit)
$2,500 Buy-in
Entries: 144
Total Prize Money: $360,000
1995 Champion: Danny Robison
1996 Champion: Marty Sigel
The Winners
- 1. Marty Sigel $144,000
- Las Vegas, NV
- 2. Annie Duke $72,000
- Las Vegas, NV
- 3. Mori Eskandani $36,000
- Las Vegas, NV
- 4. Artie Cobb $21,600
- Las Vegas, NV
- 5. Mansour Matloubi $18,000
- London, England
- 6. Ted Forrest $14,400
- Henderson, NV
- 7. Gene Fisher $10,800
- El Paso, TX
- 8. Skip Wilson $7,200
- West Chester, OH
- 9. David Richter $5,400
- Bayville, NY
- 10. John Heaney $5,400
- Wenonah, NJ
- 11. Fred Sigur Jr $5,400
- Chalmette, LA
- 12. Matthias Rohnacher $5,400
- Heidelberg, Germany
- 13. Peter Brownstein $3,600
- Arnold, MD
- 14. Catherine Brown $3,600
- San Antonio, TX
- 15. Charles Maloney $3,600
- Detroit, MI
- 16. Chris Bjorin $3,600
- London, England
The Showdown
Binion's Horseshoe, May 7, 1996 - Marty Sigel, a 49-year-old disabled
Vietnam veteran from Las Vegas, topped a record field of 144 players last
night to win the 17th event of the 27th annual World Series of Poker at
Binions Horseshoe Hotel and Casino. For his first-place finish in the $2,500
buy-in limit Seven-Card Stud competition, Sigel was awarded $144,000 and a
custom-designed 14-karat gold bracelet to commemorate his victory.
"I am physically exhausted - I couldnt have gone on much longer," Sigel said
after the 14-hour competition ended. "But, of course, Im very pleased. I
really wanted that bracelet. "
This is the second World Series of Poker title for Sigel, a recreational
gambler who won this same event during the 1993 tournament. He also won the
1988 International World Champion title in Malta and has finished in the money
in several other major competitions. Sigel began playing poker as a teenager.
Placing second in the Seven Card Stud event and winning $72,000 was Annie
Duke, a 30-year-old professional poker player from Las Vegas. The editor of
Poker World magazine, Duke now has a record eight times in the money at
the World Series - more than any other woman - and with total earnings of
$161,493, she ranks second on the womens roster of all-time tournament money
Mori Eskandani of Las Vegas won third place and $36,000. A recreational
player, Eskandani has finished in the money in several other major
The 1996 World Series of Poker continues at the Horseshoe through May 16. The
$2,500 buy-in pot-limit Omaha event begins today at noon, followed by the
$2,500 buy-in pot-limit Texas Holdem competition on May 8.
More than 4,000 entrants - representing at least 20 countries - are expected
to participate in this years World Series, and the total money distributed is
anticipated to be in excess of $11 million.
©1996, Binion's Horseshoe. Some portions ©1996, ConJelCo. All
Rights Reserved.
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