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How do I find out what games are available and how many tables are active at each online site?

Author: Dennis Boyko
Last updated: Oct 2002
Copyright © 2004 Dennis Boyko
The official and up-to-date version of this answer is here.

Poker Pulse is an independent poker tracking portal showing close to real time counts of money players and games from many of the top online multi-player poker rooms. The Poker Pulse main page shows you the current real money ring game, players and real money tournament players at may sites. In addition to the player counts you can see a break down of the types of games at each site (e.g. number of hold'em games, number of omaha games, number of stud games and 1 on 1 games). There is a details page for each of the poker rooms covered, that shows you the current count of games with an average pot < $10, average pots between $10 and $30 and average pots > $30 plus other room specific details. Poker Pulse also features weekly chart features showing poker action graphically. Past chart features have included plots of peak and average player counts at each of the tracked rooms versus the hour of the day.